The Renaissance liberate people's thinking and negate the feudal privileges, it for early capitalist sprout development has laid a solid foundation. 文艺复兴解放了人们的思想,否定了封建特权,它为早期的资本主义萌芽发展奠定了深厚的基础。
With the gradual perfect of the feudal system of England, from 11 to 14th century, England's boroughs privileges embodied obvious feudal attributes. 11&14世纪,英国封建体制渐趋完善,在这一大环境中发展起来的城市特权具有明显的封建属性。
Under the feudal system, these boroughs fulfilled Tenant 'duties for Liege lords and completed political missions through practicing the privileges. 城市通过这种特权来履行其封臣义务,完成在封建体制下作为地方统治单位的政治使命。
Unjust management system was persuited to assert slavery and feudal privileges; 实行公开的不平等的监狱管理制度,维护奴隶制和封建等级特权;
The scientific revolution provide a scientific weapon for opposition to religion and churches, the philosophical revolution provide ideological foundation against tyranny and aristocracy of feudal privileges, which have occurred for the Enlightenment movement forward Avenue. 科学革命为反对宗教和教会提供了科学武器,哲学革命为反对封建专制和贵族特权提供了思想基础。所有这些都为启蒙运动的发生铺平了前进的大道。
In theory, we should overcome feudal thoughts of privileges, dictatorship, patriarchal clan system, rule by man and bureaucracy. 理论上,要破除封建的特权思想、专制思想、宗法观念、人治观念和官僚主义。
During the slave society and the feudal society, the unfair of the fortune and the income is the contact between the political privileges, so, in those societies this unfair was regarded as the normal condition. 在奴隶制和封建社会,财富和收入的不平等是与政治特权联系在一起的,因此,在那种社会下,这种不平等被看作是天经地义的事情。
Patent was gradually transformed from the feudal privileges, which was granted by royal at will, into a right regulated by law. During this period, naturalists proposed a variety of philosophies as basis to support the establishment of patent system. 专利权从王室任意授予的封建特权逐步转变成一种受到法律规制的权利,在这一时期,自然法学家提出了各种支持专利制度产生的哲学理论依据。
Patent firstly appeared as a form of feudal privileges and the monopoly of patent met the urgent needs of the capitalist commodity economy. 专利权首先是作为一种封建特权的形式出现的,但是这种专利专卖权又迎合了资产阶级商品经济的迫切要求。
Several thousand years of feudal traditional culture has led many "official standard" mentality, in favor of equal rights and privileges of contempt. 几千年的封建传统文化致使许多官本位思想严重,青睐特权轻视平等权。